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Friday, February 4, 2011


So I guess I am new to this whole "blogging" thing.  I am going to try to figure this thing out and post regularly :~}  I haven't the slightest clue how to upload my pictures onto this... Here I go anyway...

A lot has changed in our lives in the past hmmm...almost 3 years.  It all started when we made the decision to move from the great state of Georgia (where we had lived all our lives)  to Virginia {is for lovers} so that we could be closer to my <crystal> family, also giving me a chance to go back to work since having Anna (which lasted all of about 2 years).  Since we have been here, I have worked for 2 dentists.  Joey is still working with John Deere (which I doubt he will EVER leave).  For some reason, he loves what he does even though he doesn't always like the people.  Anna is still perfect <3  She has gotten quite sassy lately...and VERY picky about...well...EVERYthing, including her clothes.  She has recently decided that she will be a nurse/ fashion designer when she grows up.  She has also recently picked up the line "own it girl" which she tends to say to me quite often.  who is this child, I ask you?  Well...she is her mother ;)

~*FaSt FoRwArD*~

I am not working at the dentist anymore, which I really miss

...but it seems to be for the best right now.  About this time last year my mama got (VERY) sick :(  She was diagnosed with stage 3 Colon Cancer which had spread to her liver.  The Doctors at RMH were able to surgicaly remove the huge tumor from her colon and then discovered that it was in her liver.  This was heart breaking </3 news for all of us! My Mother is the rock of this family, and the love of Anna's life. The doctors went on further to say that she would probably have about two years left at the most...NOT...She is still here and still kickin'.  She's not going anywhere any time soon!  That, I am sure of!

Just a short while after this we got in touch with The Cancer Treatment Centers of America {*BEST place ever*} She was flown to the CTCA the next week.  She started doing chemo every other week and just about 6 months later, they couldn't see it.  It did however recently reappear (in quite a few more places in the liver) and she just recently had her first Chemobilization (where they run a catheter directly to her liver and shoot small beads of chemo right to it) She seems to be recovering from it quite well.  They treated the right side this past time, so she will go back around the 22nd of this month to have the left side done.

I have been fortunate enough to be able to go to Philly with my mama to the center quite a few times.  We always take the train, which is a lot of fun.  We have been able to take Anna with us 3 times now, and she really enjoys it.  She gets so excited about going, she has her bag packed and ready to go a week before we leave.  It is so nice for me to be able to spend that time with my mom.  We don't get to see each other as much now that I have been baby sitting most every day to be able to stay home with Anna. 

Besides that.. I AM SO READY FOR SUMMER TIME!!  It has been FREEZING here this winter...although, I am sure it is always like this in the winter.  Last winter we got an ARCTIC BLAST!! We got so much snow, I stopped even counting the inches...or should I say FEET.

We ended up stranded at our house for quite a while.  This winter has not been so bad in that aspect, but still cold! I think being stuck indoors has not been good for me or the kids. We are ready to get outside in the sun and have fun!  I just keep thinking about slippy slides, summer dresses, warm weather, and 7-11 slurpee's...that's what's keeping me going ;)   Not to mention that Anna will be FIVE this summer on June 17th!  I can not believe she will be starting Kindergarten soon...where oh where has my precious time with her gone?

So this is my first blog post...I seem to have a lot of trouble putting my thoughts into an order that will allow you to understand my rambling...but as of now...(and my fav quote)  "it is what it is..." :~D Peace and Blessings